• KISD-TV Rebroadcast Schedule
    Board Meetings
    Tuesdays 6:00 p.m., Fridays 9:00 a.m., Sundays 2:00 p.m.
    School Board Workshops
    Mondays 9:30 a.m., Tuesdays Noon, Fridays Noon

    About KISD-TV

    KISD-TV features a variety of programming including a community bulletin board, home football games, girls volleyball, high school graduations, yearly staff convocation, band and choir concerts, and other special, locally-produced programs. Channel 17 is operated by two full-time staff members and assisted by students known as the "KISD Crew."

    KISD-TV is seen on local Time Warner & Spectrum Cable Box Channel 17.

    View videos that were produced by the KISD-TV staff by selecting the Video Vault. Videos include KISD special events, performances by the various Fine Arts programs, and district-wide sporting events.

    Students: If you would like to apply for a KISD-TV Crew Position, click here to download an application.

    For more information about KISD-TV please call (254) 336-3820 or

    Holiday Concerts Available On Demand

    Experience the joy of the season like never before with our Holiday Concerts! Immerse yourself in the melodies of the holidays, featuring an array of talented artists and festive performances. Celebrate non-stop with music that will warm your heart and fill your soul with the magic of the season. Join us for an unforgettable musical journey from the comfort of your home.

    Concerts On Demand Click Here

    Important Update: Effective 8/1/24, Killeen ISD has made graduation ceremonies available for download free of charge.

    1. Click here to view our graduation showcase
    2. Hover over your 2024 graduation video and press play
    3. Click the download icon on the bottom right of the player to download the video to your device

    The DVD purchase option ended on 7/31/24. 

Contact Us

Address: 1320 Stagecoach Rd.
  Killeen, TX. 76542
Phone: (254) 336-3820

Check Out The Latest on KISD-TV

Join The Crew Today!

  • Join The Crew Today!

    KISD-TV Channel 17 is in search of new students to be a part of our TV Crew for the school year! The requirements to be a part of the KISD-TV Crew are as follows:

    • Must be a high school student in Killeen ISD.
    • Must be at least 16 years of age or older.
    • Must be in good academic and discipline standings at your campus.

    If you are interested in being a part of the KISD-TV Crew or if you would like more information, please contact us by calling (254) 336-3820 or by mail at

    Applications are available in the student activities office on your campus or click here to download.

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