
Make Your Annual Contribution Today!

  • Green Donate ButtonThe Killeen ISD Education Foundation is a 501(c)3 organization whose sole purpose is to enhance educational opportunities in the Killeen Independent School District. Our current mission is to raise funds through our campaign 'Back The Future' by providing programs and support for our students, staff and schools. Won’t you join the Foundation to provide innovative tools and training for Killeen ISD teachers by making your contribution today?

    Ways to Give
    Thank you for considering a donation to the Killeen ISD Education Foundation. For online giving, please click the ‘Donate’ button above. For other gifts, please contact the Foundation office (254-336-0182) to discuss alternative payment options. Those who choose to make gifts of Memorials or Honorariums, please be sure to communicate to the Foundation the loved one you are honoring. Thank you for your support.

    Click here to view Sponsorship Opportunities!

  • Alumni Association Poinsettias for a Purpose

    Each year, the Killeen ISD Alumni Association reaches out to the KISD and surrounding community for the annual Poinsettias for a Purpose fundraiser.  All funds raised through poinsettia sales provide scholarship opportunities for KISD graduating seniors.  The Alumni Association is set to provide a scholarship of $1,000 to each of our high schools. 

    Red and white poinsettias are available in embossed tins with beautiful blooms ready to brighten up the approaching holiday season. Orders of 4 or more will be delivered. All others must be picked up. If you would like to embrace the season-of-giving and order or donate to the Alumni Association’s scholarship fundraiser, donations can be made online here.

Contact Us

  • Address: Franklin & Emily Pratt Learning and Leadership Center
    505 E. Jasper Drive
    Killeen, Texas 76541

    PO Box 967
    Killeen, Texas 76540

    (254) 336-0182

    Leslie Gilmore

Board Meeting Dates 

  • Meetings are held at the Education Foundation office from 4-5 PM.

    • Nov. 21
    • Jan. 16
    • Feb. 20
    • Mar. 13
    • Apr. 17