- Killeen ISD
- Critical Updates
Critical Updates
Important information regarding health, safety and other pertinent topics can be found here on the Critical Updates page. Updates on this page will not replace other forms of emergency communication, but this serves as a place for parents to find more information concerning timely issues. Please monitor this page for the latest updates and information during the school year. It’s also essential that you continue to check your phone and email when incidents occur.
EMERGENCY PROCEDURES The school district works closely with federal, state, and local agencies to provide a coordinated response plan to natural and man-made disasters or events that may affect school district operations. Should emergency situations occur, such as severe weather, an announcement will be released from the District Communications office. Parents/guardians will be contacted through the District’s mass communication system. During certain emergency conditions such as a lockdown, fire, etc. it may be necessary to close off a campus. The best way to help the emergency responders to carry out their duties, with maximum efficiency is to stay away from the school site. Should school operations be impacted or altered, rest assured you will receive updated notifications through the District’s messaging system regarding specific actions that may be necessary.
STUDENT/PARENT REUNIFICATION Circumstances may occur at the school that require parents to pick up their students in a formalized, controlled release. This process is called a Reunification and may be necessary due to weather, a power outage, hazmat or if a crisis occurs at the school. The Standard Reunification Method is a protocol that makes this process more predictable and less chaotic for all involved. Because a reunification is not a typical end of school day event, a reunification may occur at a different location than the school a student attends. If this location is another school or other facility, then those students may be subject to a controlled release as well.
NOTIFICATION Parents may be notified in a number of ways. The school or district may use its mass communication phone or text message system.
PARENT/GUARDIAN EXPECTATIONS If a parent or guardian is notified that a reunification is needed, there are some expectations that parents or guardians should know. First, bring valid identification. Proper identification, such as a driver’s license, ID card, military ID, etc. will streamline things during reunification. Second, be patient. Reunification is a process that protects both the safety of the student and provides for an accountable change of custody from the school to a recognized custodial parent or guardian.
The Killeen ISD tipline is intended for you to share tips regarding potentially dangerous situations.
If you see something, say something. You can remain anonymous.
Standard Response Protocol
When there is an issue on your child’s campus, Killeen ISD uses the Standard Response Protocol developed by the Texas State School Safety Center to let parents, teachers, students and staff quickly understand what’s going on and how to respond.
There are five actions the District may take in response to various issues.
Click on each icon below to learn more.
In your room/ Clear the halls.
"Stay in your room. Clear the halls."
- Clear the hallways and remain in room or area until the "All Clear" in announced.
- Do business as usual.
- Close and lock the door
- Account for students and adults
- Do business as usual
Get inside. Lock outside doors.
"Get Inside. Lock the outside doors."
- Return to the inside of the building
- Do business as usual
- Bring everyone indoors
- Lock outside doors
- Increase situational awareness
- Account for students and adults
- Do business as usual
Lock, lights, out of sight.
"Lock, lights, out of sight."
- Move away from sight
- Maintain silence
- Do not open the door
- Recover students from the hallway if possible
- Lock the classroom door
- Turn off the lights
- Move away from sight
- Do not open the door
- Prepare to evade or defend
A new location may be specified.
(A location may be specified)
- Lead stuff behind if required to
- If possible, bring your phone
- Follow instructions
- Lead students to Evacuation location
- Account for students and adults
- Notify if missing, extra or injured students or adults
Hazard and safety strategy.
Hazard and safety strategy.
- Use appropriate safety and strategy for the hazard
- Lead safety strategy
- Account for students and adults
- Notify if missing, extra or injured students or adults
Hazard Safety Strategy
Tornado Evacuate to shelter area
Hazmat Seal the room
Earthquake Drop, cover and hold
Tsunami Get to high ground