School Nutrition FAQ's

  • 1. How do I make a deposit into my student's account, and if I pay by check what information is required? 
    • You may make a deposit by creating an account on If you would like to pay by check, the name and address must be pre-printed on the check. Please write the name of the student and their student ID on the memo section of the check. 


    2. What happens to the money left in my student's account at the end of the school year? 
    • If your student has money on their account at the end of the year it will be available for them to use the next school year on the first day of school.


    3. How do I obtain a refund of the money left in my student's account? 
    • If your student will be graduating or moving out of the district and you need a refund of the money in their account, you may request a refund on SchoolCafe, or you may send an email to In the email include the name of the student, date of birth of the student, which school was attended, name of parent/guardian whom the check should be made out to, a good mailing address, and phone number. Refunds by check normally take between 4-6 weeks to receive.


    4. What is the policy for a student who does not have enough money on their account to purchase a meal?
    • Killeen ISD policy is to ensure all students have access to nutritional meals. A student’s tray will never be pulled due to the lack of funds. As of August 1, 2022, all students will have the ability to charge two “low-cost meal options” to their account. Universal Breakfast will be offered at all campuses free of charge for the 22/23 school year. This change will allow students with a deficit account balance to continue to receive nutritious meals, while the School Nutrition Department attempts to contact the guardian. Once a student has reached the two low-cost meal option maximum, (not to exceed $5.50 at an Elementary campus/ $6.00 at a Secondary campus), students will receive a “courtesy meal” the following day.  Parents are expected to repay the cafeteria the cost of the negative balance. There is no limit on courtesy meals to be given to a student with a $0 or negative balance. 


    5. How can I put a limit on my student's purchases? 
    • The parent/guardian has a few different options. They can:
      • Send a letter to the campus cafeteria manager to put a limit on the student account. The letter should include the student name, grade, and student ID along with the requested limits.
      • Go into the account on SchoolCafe to add the limits.
      • Or, send an email to with the student name, grade, student ID and limitations.


    6. Who administers/regulates the School Nutrition Department? 
    • The Killeen ISD School Nutrition Department is administered by Mr. Steven Smith, Director of School Nutrition.


    7. What do I do if my student has allergies to certain foods? 
    • The parent/guardian must provide a doctor note with the following: What the student is allergic to, what is the item be substituted for, a doctor’s, physician assistant or nurse practitioner's signature.


    8. My child is diabetic, and I have to watch his/her carbohydrate count, how can I do that with the meals offered at school? 
    • Go to, Select Menu, Select View Nutritional Information.


    9. What portion of the taxpayer's money is used to operate the School Nutrition Department? 
    • The School Nutrition Department is a self-sustaining operation. No Killeen ISD general funds are used in the operation of the School Nutrition Department. The money received by the students and the federal government under the National School Lunch Program, School Breakfast Program, and the Community Eligibility Provision are what determines our revenue.


    10. If my child chooses to go back for an additional meal, what is the amount charged? 
    • The current price of a second meal is $4.50.

    11. What are the meal prices for breakfast and lunch for the 2022-2023 school year? 

    • All students will receive free breakfast during the 2022-2023 school year.