• The following criteria are used in calculations for recommending teacher designation:

    Assessments Used for Growth Measures

    Data will be collected on student growth utilizing third-party or district-created assessments appropriate to each course, including:

    • CIRCLE (Pre-K)
    • NWEA MAP (reading, math, science)
    • District created pre-/post-tests (social studies)

    Student Growth Criteria

    The district utilizes a subset of students to ensure that only students who received significant instruction and completed both pre- and post-testing (when applicable) are included in the calculations used for teacher designation. Students included in the teacher accountability subset include:

    Actively enrolled students within the district who received at least 80 days of instruction from the teacher and:

    • Were enrolled in the teacher’s course during the year and were both pre-tested (BOY) and post-tested (EOY),
    • Were enrolled in the teacher’s course during the pre-testing window but were not pre-tested,
    • Were enrolled in the teacher’s course during the pre-testing window and were pre-tested but post-tested by another teacher,
    • Came from another teacher’s course after being pre-tested and were enrolled in the teacher’s course during post-testing; and

    Inactive students who received at least 80 days of instruction from the teacher and:

    • Were enrolled in the teacher’s course during both the pre-testing and post-testing windows, or
    • Have both a pre-test and a post-test score, regardless of their current enrollment status.

    Students must have received at least 80 days of instruction from the teacher to be included in data calculations. Unexcused absences, truancy, and absences resulting from the student's removal due to being delinquent shots will not count in attendance. Withdrawn students with both a BOY and EOY score, who have received the required 80 days of instruction, will be included in calculations. 

    Calculating Student Growth
    Teachers should assess at least 90% of students enrolled in an eligible course to obtain valid data. When less than 90% of students enrolled are assessed, 100% of the enrollment count will be used in calculations. 

    All TIA eligible courses a teacher instructs will be included in calculations with the following used to determine the student growth metric:

    90% of Students Assessed
    Only students who meet growth and attendance criteria and complete both the BOY and EOY assessments will be used to calculate student growth.

    Less than 90% of Students Assessed
    All students who meet attendance criteria and were enrolled during the BOY window will be used to calculate student growth data.