- Chaparral High School
- Tutoring/Club Schedule
Tutoring at Chaparral High School
Supporting student success, we offer tutoring and clubs for all CHS students on campus. Please see the tutoring and club schedule below.
Tutoring/Club Schedule PDF
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KISD Tutoring Center
Another free tutoring resource available to all Chaparral High School students is the KISD Tutoring Center!
Get the support you need from our State-Certified Teachers.
Killeen ISD students in grades 4-12 are able to receive assistance with individualized tutoring, STAAR & EOC preparation, math fact fluency, and hard-to-learn math concepts, writing, reading, as well as homework help, all for free at the Killeen ISD Tutoring Center.
The KISD Tutoring Center is located at:
Jackson Professional Learning Center
902 Rev R A Abercrombie Drive
Killeen, TX 76543
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