How can I search for a book online?
Posted by:To access Destiny, the online Killeen ISD database, please follow these instructions:
1. Click here to go to the KISD Library page.
2. Select Killeen ISD Early College HS
3. Log in using your user name and password
4. You have access to multiple resources
5. Check to see what you have checked out and you due dates by clicking My Info
What time is the library open?
Posted by:8:00 am - 4 pm on school days. The library closes from 1:30 pm - 2:00 pm for lunch. If there are any changes, they will be posted on the library door.
How long can I keep a book after I check it out?
Posted by:ECHS library books are typically due back on the third Tuesday of each month. Holidays or inventory may affect the due date.
Oh no, I forgot to turn in my book. Is there a fine?
Posted by:No, there is no fine for late books. If the book is lost or damaged, then there will be a fine.
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