Clinic Information

  • KISD Health Services supports the good health of children and adolescents by working with parents, teachers, health professionals, and school administrators to strengthen successful health programs at school. Our purpose in the education system is to advance the well-being, academic success, lifelong achievement and health of our district’s students. This includes providing family support and education if it is needed. Please refer to our quick links section for helpful resources. 

    In order to best serve our students, we would like to remind the parents and students of the clinic procedures for an office visit:

    When a student feels ill or is injured at school and needs to see the nurse, he or she must get a pass from the teacher who is sending the student to the clinic. If the student goes to the clinic between classes or during a lunch period, the student must get a pass from a teacher, unless it is sudden illness or serious injury. The following information is what will also be provided for all teachers. 


      • What can be/should be treated in the classroom: 

        At the beginning of the school year and as needed throughout the year, the nurse will supply a baggie of band aids and antiseptic wipes. These wipes can be used to clean minor scrapes or scratches that happen, and a band aid can be applied after cleansing with the wipe. This is a very quick process that can many times be performed by the student themselves without the teacher having to perform this task.  

        Minor toothache- instructs students to rinse mouth with water.  

        First complaint of stomachache, headache, “not feeling well,” or sore throat. These are quite common complaints and many times do not warrant a trip to the nurse. If the student feels or looks feverish, send them to the nurse’s office. If the student does not seem feverish or look ill, please allow the student to use restroom, drink water, or put head down for a little bit. If the student continues to complain or gets worse after 45 min to an hour, allow the student to come to the nurse. Put the trash can nearby just in case.
        An old injury, such as a hurt ankle or old scab.  

        Bloody noses that have stopped and has not made mess all over themselves or their belongings- instruct them to clean up in the bathroom if they are capable.  

        Anxiety, crying, or panic attack-try calming, reassuring measure, consult counselor.

      Nurse's Office

      • When to send to the nurse: 

        Bleeding- bloody noses, cuts and scrapes that are actively bleeding (not clotted or scabbed). Bloody noses where they will need a more thorough cleaning/change of clothing.  
        Any injury caused by another student.  

        Injury that occurred while on campus.

        All head injuries, even if they seem minor. Please do not send them alone.  

        Abdominal injuries

        Cuts – Deep cuts or particularly dirty wounds that need nurse attention and warrant parent notification. Deep cuts mean constant bleeding, tissue under skin is exposed.
        Possible allergic reaction.

        If the student needs to take their medication.  

        If the student has a documented chronic illness such as seizures, diabetes, etc. Please consult the eSchool medical history.  

        Unable to console during distress. 

      Guardian Calls

      • When a nurse will contact a guardian:

        Any time a student is being sent home, as listed below.

        Any head injury:

        Any injury involving another student.

        Deep or large cuts/scrapes.

        Injury during sport or athletics

        Possible break/sprain

        At the nurse's discretion upon assessment and severity of injury/illness

      Being Sent Home

      • When a child will be sent home by the nurse: 

        Students who are ill will be sent home when they have a fever at or above 100.0 degrees, indicating the possibility of a communicable disease. Please see the Texas DHHS Communicable Disease guidelines list here.

        New, undiagnosed rash or skin condition, at the nurse’s discretion, until verified by healthcare provider that it is not contagious.

        Vomiting 3 times and not related to any other cause such as exercise or anxiety.  

        Diarrhea is not related to a preexisting documented condition.  

        Yellow or green discharge from the eyes.  

        Live lice- students with live lice will be sent home for treatment and may return the next day after being treated and evaluated by the nurse.
        If the student does not look or act their norm, such as they are very tired or sleepy, droopy, or puffy eyes.  

        Students with draining wounds that cannot be covered with proper bandages.

        Head Injuries:

        • Severe head injuries, 911 will be called. 
        • Head injuries with acute symptoms lasting beyond the 30-minute observation will require exclusion and a timely student pick-up and recommendation for medical attention. The student may return the following day.

        As considered necessary by the clinic staff judgment or assessment.  

      • If a student must leave school due to illness, the parent/guardian is responsible for transportation. Facilities for keeping your child are limited; therefore, it is important that your child be picked up promptly.

        Thank you for your support and partnership as we serve your children.