- Killeen High School
- Tutoring
Supporting Student Success
Tutoring At KHS
All teachers at Killeen High School have a set time for tutoring during the week. The Tutoring Teacher Matrix linked in our Quick Links is a list of all teachers along with the days and times they hold tutoring. If you have questions regarding a particular teacher's tutoring schedule, please contact the teacher directly. Killeen High School also provides tutoring during Power Hour. Please click in the Quick Links section of this webpage for more information.
KISD Tutoring Center - Jackson Professional Learning Center
The KISD Tutoring Center now provides free assistance with Writing and Reading as well as Math! Killeen ISD students in grades 4-12 are able to receive assistance with individualized tutoring, STAAR & EOC preparation, math fact fluency, and hard-to-learn math concepts, writing, reading, as well as homework help, all for free at the Killeen ISD Tutoring Center. Get the support you need from our State-Certified Teachers!