• Home of the Silver Stars!

About Your School

  • About Your School - phone number is 254-336-6690.

    We are the Skipcha Elementary Silver Stars! Our colors blue and silver. At Skipcha, we are focused on doing what is best for students by creating a challenging, positive learning environment where every student grows every day.

    General Information & the First Week - 

    The first day of school is posted on the district calendar, www.killeenisd.org/calendar. Doors open at 7:00 a.m. and school begins promptly at 7:25 a.m. Parents who wish to may walk their child to the classroom the first three days of school. Adults are in the building to help your child find their way.

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    Please like us on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/Skipcha/.

Morning Drop Off

  • Morning Drop Off -

    Please be patient with our staff and each other.

    • There are two places to drop off students from your vehicle. For safety, all students should exit from the passenger side of the vehicle. Beginning at 7:00, you can drop off in the loop at the side of the building off Raincloud Tr. After buses depart (about 7:10), you can also drop off in the rear bus loop on Cowhand Dr. (orange cones will be up until buses depart). Loops are “no parking” area. Fire codes do not permit parking in these areas. Please remain in your car and keep the traffic moving. Be careful as students are exiting other cars too.

    If you want to park and walk your child to the door, please park and walk them to the front door. Parents are not permitted in the building during morning drop off (after the first 3 days of school). Staff members are on duty for the protection of the students and to provide help getting to class safely when needed. Use caution at all times in parking lots. Adults and children are expected to use our crosswalks at all times to model safety for the students. Please follow directions from our staff on duty in the parking lots. They are there to protect you and your student. Parents are not permitted to use the back parking lot. This area is for staff parking and no staff members are on duty to assist with safety.

    Bus riders begin their arrival at 7:00. Buses drop off students on the north side of the building (Cowhand Dr.). They will enter the café to eat breakfast or continue through the gym doors to classrooms.

    Daycare buses and buses transporting students with special needs may deliver students to the front of the building (Prospector Dr.) beginning at 7:00. Students may proceed to breakfast or their classrooms. Staff members are present to receive students in SKILLS and PBS classes.

    Students walking or riding bikes should enter at the front of the building and proceed to breakfast or their classrooms. For safety, students and adults must walk their bikes on campus property.

After School Dismissal

  • After School Dismissal -

    • Students riding buses will be dismissed by announcement for grades 2-5. Staff will escort students in PK-1 to buses in the main bus loop (north side of the building by the cafeteria). Bus riders may not change the way they are going home unless the teacher has a written note from a parent or guardian. Students may only ride the bus they are assigned to ride. Cars are not permitted in the bus loop in the afternoon at all.

    • Students riding daycare buses must have the daycare listed on their emergency card in the office. Daycare students will be called to the library. Daycare buses will pick up students from the library in the front of the school. After attendance is taken, students will be escorted out by daycare staff. Daycare staff should be in the library before 3pm to meet their students.

    • Students who ride home with parents may be picked up outside from the west side of the building (Rain Cloud). Students in PK and Kinder will be escorted out at 2:55 PM. Students in other grades will be escorted out at 3:00 PM. Teachers will advise parents of the pick-up spot for their class. For the health and safety of our students and parents, classes will be spread out into grassy areas. Please be prepared to show identification when picking up your student at any time. In order to keep students safe, we advise all substitute teachers and staff that could be dismissing students to check ID before releasing a student to an adult. It is important for you to be patient and allow the teacher to dismiss children in an orderly fashion. Please do not call your child to come to you until the teacher dismisses him/her.

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  • Once students arrive at their classroom, they will read while sitting in the hallway outside the classroom. Teachers will be scheduled on duty to monitor. Students will enter the classroom when the bell rings at 7:25. The tardy bell rings at 7:30 am. We will give grace for tardy students at the start of the school year while we all work to learn arrival procedures. Please help your child get to school on time.

Meals –

  • Breakfast and lunch are provided at no cost to students this year. There is an opportunity for students to purchase extra items (ex. Rice krispie treats, etc.). See the café manager in the café if you would like to put money into your child’s account for extra items. You can also place limits on items to be purchased.

    Your child’s teacher can tell you their lunch time. You are welcome to enjoy breakfast or lunch with your child in the café by signing in at the office. Lunchtime is a great friendship bonding time though, so you may want to give your child time to learn the lunch procedures and make new friends before coming for a visit. We appreciate those who refrain from visiting for lunch during the first few weeks of school while we get our routines established. Because of the number of students who must eat lunch each day in the café, seating for visitors may be limited or unavailable.

    School Menus

Toileting & Change of Clothes –

  • Toileting & Change of Clothes –

    If your child is in prekindergarten 4 or kindergarten, please send a clean change of clothes every day…even if your child is potty-trained. Accidents still happen. Please also check the bag each day to ensure soiled clothing is removed.

Mission & Vision

    To provide a safe and caring learning environment where engaging experiences result in profound and meaningful academic and social learning to prepare students for the future.

    We believe...
    - Silver Stars will persevere through challenging work.
    - Silver Stars will embrace opportunities to think critically as they relate learning to the real world.
    - Silver Stars will collaborate with others in order to communicate their learning at deeper levels.
    - Silver Stars will fuel creativity and innovation with their individual uniqueness.