Learning and Parent Resources

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    Looking for your online textbooks? You can find them here. Clever is the districts Single Sign-On resource. Meaning, once logged into Clever with your school login credentials, you can automatically sign in to the apps within Clever. Check it out, lots of great resources available.Check out your grades and other great information. Parents, if you don't have access, contact our counseling office to get access.Online storage, also able to access Microsoft products to be able to complete your assignments.Use this tool to reset your password if you do not remember your old one. Remember, the password must be at least 10 characters, with at least 1 uppercase, 1 lowercase, 1 number, and 1 special character.

    Some students will access their textbooks through here. At home access to your student's that use this program at school.Imagine Math

    Schoology  Online program for STEM learning. At home access to your student's that use this program at school. An online survey that students are encouraged to complete.