Arrival & Dismissal Procedures
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- Arrival & Dismissal Procedures
100% ID Check
Pershing Park Elementary is a 100% ID check campus.
At Pershing Park Elementary, our dismissal procedures are designed with the utmost care and safety in mind. We prioritize the well-being of our students, staff, and the community during this critical transition period. To ensure a smooth dismissal process, please refer to the detailed instructions below. Our dedicated staff is always on hand to assist and guide students as they enter/exit the school premises, and we appreciate your cooperation in helping us maintain a secure and efficient dismissal routine.
Thank you for entrusting us with your child's education, and together, we can make arrival/dismissal a safe and streamlined experience for all.
Arrival Procedures
Drive-thru Drop-off with continuous flow of traffic
The entrance to the drive is on Bonnie Dr. Parents will pull up to one of the attendants on duty in Lane 1. Lane 1 is the only lane open during arrival. Parents are to always remain in the vehicle. Students will exit on the passenger side of the vehicle. The attendant will receive the student and direct them to the front doors. All students will enter the building using the front doors. Once the student has exited the vehicle, parents are to pull into the middle lane and exit on to Bonnie Drive.Bus Arrival
The bus loop is at the rear of the building. Students will exit the bus into the vestibule and enter the building through the cafeteria doors.Walkers
They will enter the building through the front doors.Breakfast
Students will go to the cafeteria immediately upon entering the building if they are eating breakfast.Hallways
Staff members are strategically placed within hallways to direct students to their classrooms
Dismissal Procedures
Two staff members from each grade level will take the bus and daycare students to their designated location. The remaining staff members will escort students to their assigned spot in the main hallway for parent pick-up. Grades will leave classrooms in a staggered format.
Drive-Thru Pick-Up with a continuous flow of traffic
Students will have their car rider pass with their assigned number with them. Parents will pull into Lane 1 or Lane 2 with the car rider pass hanging from their center mirror with the matching number. A staff member will check the number and call into the building for the matching car rider. A staff member will bring the student out and match car rider passes. Parents will be able to pick-up multiple students in the same location. The middle lane will not be used for pick-up and act only as a pull through once students have been picked up. A crossing guard will be present in the middle and parents are to be careful to monitor students being loaded into vehicles or crossing to lane 2.Parent Pick-Up Walk Up/Walkers
Students who walk home will exit from the parent pick-up location next to the playground at door 11 (formerly door 6). Students who are picked up by a parent will be called from the parent pick-up waiting area and will be signed out from door 12 (formerly door 7). Dismissal from this location may initially take a little longer.
Friendly Reminders
- Please remember that after the tardy bell rings, you will need to come to the front office to sign your student in.
- Also, remember to bring an ID card when you sign your student out for the day and at dismissal. This is also for anyone you have authorized to pick your student up from school.
- If your student is a bus rider, please remind them about bus safety and behavior on the bus. Bus safety is a priority and riding the bus is a privilege.
- School releases promptly at 3:00 p.m. Please ensure you are here on time to retrieve your student.
- Please do not park in the bus or fire lanes. This is a safety hazard and citations will be given. Thank you for helping us keep all students safe.
As always, the staff here at Pershing Park Elementary School appreciates all you do!