Music is Natural to Who We Are

  • The Peebles Music Department believes...

    • Music is unconditionally necessary to the development of every human being.
    • Musical expression is a component in the mosaic that is a child's intelligence. Other components include physical abilities, social abilities, artistic abilities, time/space awareness, language abilities, and mathematic abilities.
    • Singing is the most natural, beautiful and accessible means of expressing music.
    • Music literacy allows children to experience music in both cognitive and affective domains.
    • The musical heritage of our civilization cannot endure without being taught.
    • Divergent thinking, analytical thinking, and creativity are necessary to understanding or composing music.


    • Every child must have full access to music instruction.
    • Full exposure to music adds to a child's discovery of his/her own unique intelligence mosaic, the "picture of his/her potential."
    • All schools should employ a singing based music curriculum.
    • Students will learn the folk songs and composed music of our civilization (a diverse civilization,) bringing them to an understanding of who they are in the context of the world around them.
    • By studying music, students will acquire higher level thinking skills, enabling them to enlarge the other components in the mosaics of their intelligences.

    At Peebles we use the Kodaly Method of teaching music literacy and musicianship to our students. Click here for more information on Zoltan Kodaly and his vision of music education.

Students playing instruments