Dress Code

  • Students shall be dressed and groomed in a manner that is clean and neat and that will not present a health or safety hazard to themselves or others. All dress code issues will be subject to the campus administrator’s judgement.

    Students who are considered in violation of the dress code shall be advised by the campus administrator and shall be given an opportunity to comply. The opportunity to comply may take a variety of forms. Students will be given the opportunity to call parents/guardians for a change of clothes. While awaiting the change of clothes, students will be required to wait in the ISS room.

    Students who fail to comply or who repeatedly violate dress code shall be subject to disciplinary action. Dress code applies to all students who attend after school events or activities.

    More details about acceptable dress and grooming may be found in the District’s Student Code of Conduct. We follow the District Dress Code Policy. Below are a few examples of AMMS’s dress code expectations:

    1. No lewd, offensive, or obscene shirts. Also, no advertisements for tobacco, alcohol, or drugs.
    2. No spandex pants, bike shorts or leggings that are not covered by a top or a skirt.
    3. District policy is NO pants with holes any higher than 6” above the knee. Jeans with holes are okay at AMMS, but if you have holes more than 6” above the knee you must wear leggings underneath. (No skin showing.)
    4. Shorts and skirts may not be shorter than 6” above the knee.
    5. Sweatshirts with hoodies are allowed, but hoodies must be down inside the building.
    6. No hats inside the building.
    7. No pajama pants or pants that look like pajamas.
    8. Tank tops and crop tops are not allowed. This includes under zippered hoodies.
    9. No house shoes, water shoes, shoe skates, or shoes with metal spikes.
    10. No visible “thigh high” panty hose.
    11.  No anime, cosplay, or other costumes.
    12.  No toys, stuffed animals, or blankets.
    13. Students will always wear their student ID on the appropriately colored lanyard around their neck. No hanging IDs out of pockets.


    Remember that you make a conscience decision each morning when you decide what you are going to wear. Please don’t make a choice that is going to start your morning off in ISS.