Student Expectations

  • Each student is expected to:

    • Observe the core values of collaboration, integrity, responsibility, professionalism, service and honesty.
    • Demonstrate courtesy and respect for others, even when others do not.
    • Use appropriate manners in speech and actions towards others. Inappropriate gestures, teasing, or put- downs are not acceptable behaviors for Career Center students.
    • Respect the rights and property of others, as well as district property and facilities.
    • Contribute to maintaining a safe environment by following campus and classroom rules and the KISD Student Code of Conduct.
    • Follow KISD published dress code.
    • Observe “Professional Dress” every Wednesday.


  • KISD Career Center follows district guidelines for discipline as found on the KISD Student Handbook. Consequences shall be administered when necessary to protect students, school employees or property, and to maintain essential safety, order, and discipline. The KISD Career Center is committed to discipline students based on careful assessment of each circumstance, and to treat students fairly and equitably. For a copy of the KISD Student Code of Conduct, please follow the link below:

    Student Code of Conduct


  • The safety of our students is a priority at the Career Center. Students must wear a visible; school issued identification card at all times.  The Student Code of Conduct states that students must wear their school ID card while at school, attending school events, and using school transportation.  Students must furnish their ID badge upon request to any district employee. Failure to provide identification to a school official is against Texas law. Temporary IDs are issued each morning upon the student’s arrival to campus by teachers on morning duty or at the front office. Only appropriate designated personnel shall issue temporary IDs to students.

Student Sign In & Out

  • During the instructional day students who are leaving or returning to campus for doctor's appointments, etc must be signed in/out through the front office. To ensure safety for students and staff, please have a picture ID with you when signing in/out a student.