UGMS Clinic Overview

  • Health History

    All students are required to have a health history on file in the clinic. These are to be filled out each year by the parent/guardian. The information on this form is used to provide appropriate and safe care for your child. Health problems, allergies, physical restrictions, medications as well as any other pertinent information should be noted on the form.

      Parent Notification

      • Parent Notification

        Parents/guardians will be called to pick up their child for the following reasons:

        • Fever of 100.0 or greater;
        • Active Head lice;
        • Severe injury requiring medical attention

      Emergency Care

      • Emergency Care

        If there is an emergency, we will try to contact you. If you or your emergency contacts cannot be found and it is necessary, 911 will be called and your child will be taken to the hospital by ambulance. Parents are responsible for the bill. For the safety of your child, it is imperative that we have your home, work, cell and at least two additional emergency contact numbers of friends or family in the surrounding area that we can call if you are unavailable.


      • Screenings

        • Vision and Hearing on all 7th grade students
        • Vision and Hearing on all new to Texas
        • Scoliosis screenings are conducted in the Fall on 8th grade boys and 7th grade girls

      Routine Clinic Care

      • Routine Clinic Care

        We do basic first aid for injuries occurring during school hours. If further treatment is needed, you must contact your personal health care provider.

        • We do not diagnose illness, rashes, or broken bones.
        • We cannot give any medication unless we have a PHYSICIAN ORDER and PARENT REQUEST.
        • Ear, body piercing, and tattoos are considered cosmetic procedures. Students who choose these procedures should be prepared to care for them at home.
        • Contact solutions and supplies are not provided by the clinic. Students should carry their own supplies.

        Over the Counter Medications

        The clinic does not provide over-the-counter medication.

        As per the medication policy:

        • They must have written permission from a parent/guardian in their possession.
        • The medication must be in the original container and taken between classes or at lunch.


      • Immunizations

        If you receive notification that your child is delinquent with immunizations, your child will not be allowed to attend school after the date specified. If your child has already received the required immunizations, you must provide the school with a copy of the record. If your child has not received the required immunizations by the exclusion date, please take your child to a clinic before bringing your child to school. Days missed for not taking care of this matter will be unexcused.

      Contact Us

      • Clinic Telephone: 254-336-6602

        • Nurse - Timeka Caldwell, RN
        • Clinic Aide - Dallas Shields

        Clinic Hours:
        7:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.

        If you need assistance outside of clinic hours, please call the front desk at 254-336-6580.