100% ID Check

  • Pat Carney Elementary is a 100% ID check campus. 

    At Pat Carney Elementary, our arrival and dismissal procedures are designed with the utmost care and safety in mind. We prioritize the well-being of our students, staff, and the community during this critical transition period. To ensure a smooth dismissal process, please refer to the guidance below. Our dedicated staff is always on hand to assist and guide students as they enter/exit the school premises, and we appreciate your cooperation in helping us maintain a secure and efficient dismissal routine.

    Thank you for entrusting us with your child's education, and together, we can make arrival/dismissal a safe and streamlined experience for all. 

Arrival & Dismissal Procedures

  • Morning Arrival:  Students arriving to school by bus will arrive to the bus loop area located at the back of the building and enter through the cafeteria.  They may eat breakfast or go immediately to their classrooms beginning at 7:00am.  Parents who drop off students by car may use the front parking lot car valet lane or may park in the front parking lot and escort their student to the crosswalk area.  On the first day of school, parents can enter through the front doors and escort their child to class.  Parents are not allowed in the building after 7:45am on the first day of school.  After the first day, parents are not permitted in the building from 7:00am-7:35am.  Parents who need assistance may come to the front office between 7:35am-2:15pm daily.  We have additional supervision in place daily to help students find their classrooms.  Students must be in their classrooms by 7:25am daily or they are considered tardy.


    Afternoon Dismissal:  Adequate supervision will be provided to ensure that students find their correct way home.  Students will meet in specific areas of the building to ensure that students are safely dismissed.  Daycare students will meet in the gym.  YMCA students will meet in the cafeteria at dismissal. Walkers will meet on in hallways on the north side of the building and will remain on the sidewalk area as they are released by their teachers to walk home.  Bus riders will meet in the café and will be escorted by staff to their assigned bus at the bus loop area.  Car riders will be released from the front of the building through the car valet line system.  Parents who do not have the assigned PCES valet tag must wait until after 3:15pm and must provide a valid ID to pick up their student from the office. 


    *Any changes regarding dismissal need to be done in person by a guardian who provides a valid ID and the guardian will need to complete a change of dismissal form.  If the guardian wishes to make changes to their child’s dismissal, they must come to the campus prior to 12 noon to complete the change of dismissal form.



    If a parent needs to sign their child out early from school this must be done no later than 2:15pm.  Parent/Guardian must provide a valid ID and must be on the emergency contact list to sign out their student from campus.


    WALKERS: Students will be released from the side of the building by a staff member.   Staff members will escort and ensure all students remain on the sidewalk area as they exit the school property.  PK & Kinder students are not permitted to walk home alone.  Any parent that requests to have their PK or Kinder student listed as a walker, or walking with an older sibling must complete this request on campus form through the front office.  


    BUS: PK and Kinder students must have the Transportation Authorization form completed prior to the student riding the bus.  The school provides a bus pouch for PK and Kinder students to wear.  PK and Kinder students will only be released at the assigned stop to the person(s) listed on the bus pouch after providing a valid ID to the bus driver.  1st – 5th grade students will be released by the bus driver at the assigned stop.


    YMCA: Parents must enter through the back door of the cafeteria (near the trophy case area) and meet the YMCA staff member at the door to be permitted inside to pick up their child.  YMCA parents will not have access through the back door until 3:30pm and may not pick up during afternoon dismissal from 3-3:30pm.  If a YMCA parent needs to pick up their child before 3:30pm they will need to sign in at the front office to pick up their child.  If you want your child to attend YMCA before or after school care this must be approved by the main YMCA office in Harker Heights.


    DAYCARE: Daycare buses will load at the back of the building for dismissal.  Staff members will escort daycare students to their assigned day care bus. 


    VALET CAR RIDERS:  Parents must obtain a valet card issued by the campus and the valet card must be visible from the windshield area to utilize the valet car rider lanes.  Students will be provided a matching card number and will be escorted by staff members to the main hallway in preparation of valet dismissal.  Students will be escorted outside from the front of the building to their vehicle.  Any parent who does not have the school provided valet card must wait in the parking lot until 3:15pm.  They may come into the office at 3:15 and show a valid ID to pick up their student.   If you do not have your valet car tag or the person who is coming to pick up the student is not on the student’s list of contacts, then they cannot pick up the student without administrative review/approval.


    *A valid guardian’s ID is needed to change any student information and will be verified by staff.  In addition, if you plan to attend lunch with your child on designated days (Tuesdays and Thursdays), or attend any school event during school hours such as Academic Awards, Cub of the Month Lunch, Book Fair or any meetings with a staff member you must bring a valid ID to be permitted into the building.


    Our entire staff is dedicated to ensuring that your students has a successful school year.  If you have any questions or concerns, please speak with your child’s teacher, seek the student handbook or call the front office at 254-336-1940.  We are looking forward to an amazing year!


Friendly Reminders

    • Please remember that after the tardy bell rings, you will need to come to the front office to sign your student in.
    • Also, remember to bring an ID card when you sign your student out for the day and at dismissal. This is also for anyone you have authorized to pick your student up from school.
    • If your student is a bus rider, please remind them about bus safety and behavior on the bus. Bus safety is a priority and riding the bus is a privilege.
    • School releases promptly at 3:00 p.m. Please ensure you are here on time to retrieve your student. 
    • Please do not park in the bus or fire lanes. This is a safety hazard and citations will be given. Thank you for helping us keep all students safe.

    As always, the staff here at Pat Carney Elementary appreciates all you do!