Arrival Procedures

  • Bus riders and daycare buses begin their arrival at 7:00. Buses drop off students at the east side of the building. They may enter the building, eat breakfast, or continue to the gym. Students walking or riding bikes may enter through the front or the back of the building. Parents dropping off students should use the drop-off loop in the front of the building. The loop is a no parking area. Please remain in your car and keep the traffic moving. Parents will not be allowed to enter the building with students from the back cafeteria entrance. If you wish to enter the building, please enter through the front door and sign-in at the office. For the safety of your child do not use any of the parking lots to drop off students. Please park your car and walk your child to the door of the school using the sidewalks and crosswalks. The parking lots are very dangerous, and caution should be used at all times. Please follow directions from our staff on duty in the parking lots. The staff is there to protect you and your student. Parents should not use the back parking lot or back bus loop. This area is for staff parking and buses only.

Dismissal Procedures

  • Richard E. Cavazos Elementary is a 100% ID check campus. 

    At Richard E. Cavazos Elementary, our dismissal procedures are designed with the utmost care and safety in mind. We prioritize the well-being of our students, staff, and the community during this critical transition period. To ensure a smooth dismissal process, please refer to the map below for detailed instructions. Our dedicated staff is always on hand to assist and guide students as they enter/exit the school premises, and we appreciate your cooperation in helping us maintain a secure and efficient dismissal routine.

    Thank you for entrusting us with your child's education, and together, we can make arrival/dismissal a safe and streamlined experience for all.

      Before School

      • Before School

        Breakfast will be served each morning from 7:00 to 7:20. After eating breakfast the students in Pre-K to K will go to a predetermined classroom for each grade level. Grades 1st through 5th will proceed to the hallway outside of the classroom. A teacher from each grade will be on duty to supervise your child. They are to sit quietly and read.

        **Because we are concerned about the safety of our students, they should not arrive before 7:00. No staff members are on duty before that time and students will not have supervision.**

      During School

      • During School

        Once students arrive at school, they are not allowed to leave campus unless they have been properly signed out through the office by a parent or guardian. Please note that only those people whose names are listed on the registration card will be allowed to sign a student out of school. If someone else is to pick up a student, the parent should send a written note. If you need to pick up your child from school during the day, you must come to the office to sign him/her out (Must provide a photo ID). It is not allowable for office staff to call your child out of class prior to your arrival. If you need to give your child a message or an item that was forgotten at home, please come to the office, and we will be glad to deliver it to your child.

      After School

      • After School

        Staff will escort students to the bus. The main bus loop is located at the back side of the building by the cafeteria. The secondary bus loop is located on the side of the building by the basket ball courts. Bus riders may not change the way they are going home unless the teacher has a written note from a parent or guardian. Students may only ride the bus they are assigned to ride. Cars are not permitted in either of the bus loops. Students riding daycare buses must have the daycare listed on their emergency card in the office. Daycare buses will pick students up from the cafeteria at the back side of the building. After attendance is taken, the daycare staff will escort students out. Students riding home with parent/guardian may be picked up from the valet line in front of the building at 3:00. A car placard is created for each of your children. In order to pick up your child from the valet line, you must have the car placard displayed in the vehicle. If your car placard is missing, you will be asked to park and have your ID checked in the front office. Staff will be present to assist with the orderly process of releasing the students. Students who have not been picked up by 3:15 will be returned to the front office where the parent/guardian will have to enter the building to sign their child out. Please make sure that the person picking up your child is on the registration card in the office. If the person is not on the registration card, the child will not be released (Must provide a photo ID).

      Parent Pick-up

      • Parent Pick-up

        Parents are able to park in the front parking lot, use the crosswalk, and pick up their children at the basketball court. Parents will not be allowed to park in the bus loop or along the side entrance to the school. Parent pickup will be 100% ID check for ALL grade levels. Rainy day dismissal will take place in the hallway by school entrance #8 located on the right side of the building by the basketball court. Parents will enter the building and pick up their student from the assigned classrooms. Students who will be walking or riding bikes home will exit through the back of the building. Staff will escort students to the crosswalk. Students in grades PK-1 must be accompanied by an older sibling (Grade 2 or above) or a parent/guardian.