
  • Sponsor: Ms. Palmer

    The orchestra program at Union Grove starts with Beginner Orchestra class instruction in violin, viola, cello, and bass. These classes meet daily and focus on the continued development of basic musical skills begun at the elementary level and establishing fundamental performance skills on the selected instrument. Beginner Orchestra classes combine on three or more occasions during the year to present concerts for the parents and public. 

    Students who have at least one year of playing experience are provided an opportunity to be a member of the Jr. Varsity Orchestra (Intermediate level) or Varsity Orchestra (Advanced level).  Students are placed into leveled ensembles based on their overall skill on their chosen instrument and an appropriate balance of instrumentation.  These orchestras perform four or more concerts each year, including performances on campus, KISD String Extravaganza, and for the University Interscholastic League (UIL) Concert and Sight-reading Contest. Students may elect to participate in district-sponsored Solo and Ensemble events and/or the Texas Music Educators Association (TMEA) All-Region Orchestra audition process, to further develop their individual musicianship. Rehearsal time outside the school day is usually limited to one forty-five minute sectional each week and is a requirement for each ensemble.

    Reasons you should try orchestra!

    1. Learning to play a string instrument can increase math comprehension, and spatial an pattern recognition!
    2. Music training develops language and problem solving skills!
    3. Increases coordination between both sides of the body and brain!
    4. Music is a healthy creative and emotional outlet!
    5. The self-discipline, confidence, and teamwork skills you learn will last a lifetime!