• Obtaining different perspectives from the entire community was very important to the planning of this bond. Therefore, in the fall of 2017, KISD formed a citizen’s Bond Steering Committee, in which more than 100 citizens from a variety of geographic areas and backgrounds were invited to serve. Ultimately, a group of more than 40 parents and community members committed to helping Killeen ISD review facilities needs and make recommendations to the Board of Trustees for a potential bond package.

    The committee met four times for approximately 2-2.5 hours each and rotated locations throughout the district to see various campus types, ages and conditions first-hand. Members studied district facility age, condition and capacity, enrollment projections, financial data, potential project solutions and cost, and the results of a community-wide survey.

    Meetings were open to the public, video recorded, and all meeting content was posted to the committee's website no longer available.

    The committee used five grading criteria to evaluate and prioritize potential projects – benefit to students, urgency of need, alignment with KISD mission, benefit to community and equity. Upon completion of their analysis and prioritization of needs, members reached unanimous consensus on a recommendation to the Board of Trustees to call for a bond election for $426 million.