• Scholarships


    NAACP Scholarship Application 2024-2025


    We are offering this opportunity of financial support to Senior High School students, graduating in June 2025, from a high school in the Killeen and Copperas Cove Independent School Districts. If you qualify to be a potential recipient of our scholarship with goals to attend college in the fall semester of 2025, please complete the attached application in its entirety and include your signature on the specified line. Along with your application, you must select one of our topics to discuss in a typed essay AND submit an official transcript.


    DUE date: March 8, 2025


    To apply, click the link below.



    Pearls of Service Foundation of Central Texas In Partnership WithAlpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. Mu Theta Omega Chapter

    Kay E. Brown Memorial Scholarship

    Our organization is committed to providing service and support to deserving students in our Central Texas community. Our goal is to award one, $1,000.00 scholarship to a high school senior from schools within Bell and Coryell Counties.

    Scholarship Application Requirements
    • Currently be a senior attending a public, private or parochial high school located in Bell or Coryell County
    • Complete Scholarship Application
    • Intended major of Education, Communications or Journalism
    • Provide two letters of recommendation. Letters of recommendation should not be from a family member.
    1. One letter of recommendation from a High School scholastic staff or faculty member (Principal, Assistant Principal, Counselor, Teacher, etc.)
    2. One letter of recommendation from a community member (Minister, Employer, etc. that is not a scholastic or faculty member)
    • An official high school transcript. The transcript should be stamped, sealed or signed by your school’s registrar.
    • Provide signed documentation of community service hours for the time period of January 1, 2022 – February 28, 2025. Documentation should include location, date, description of service, amount of service time and signature of adult sponsor.

    DUE date: March 13, 2025. 

    To apply, click the link below.


    Alpha Delta Kappa sorority, Epsilon Theta.

    This year we are offering two - $500 Scholarships to graduating Seniors who wish to pursue a career in Education.  

    DUE: March 18.2025

    Scholarship Offer

    Daniel Starks Scholarship:

    Each year, we award five students who have shown exceptional determination to achieve extraordinary results, no matter their background or academic standing.

    Each recipient will receive $1,000 to put toward their college tuition. 

    To apply, students just need to submit an application and a 1-2 page essay based on the prompt on our scholarship page. You can find all the details here:


    Service for a Cause Foundation, Inc. CyberTex Institute of Technology 

    Science Technology Engineer Math (STEM)

    Students awarded this scholarship will receive $500 toward a short-term, hands-on vocational training programs within the career opportunities in healthcare, Information Technology(IT), and HVAC industries. 

    DUE Date: April 16, 2025

    To apply, click the link below


    Service for a Cause Foundation, Inc. Bro. John "Jay" Jones Scholarship 

    This scholarship celebrates the life and legacy of our devoted brother of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc John "Jay' Jones. The scholarship will be awarded to a male high school senior who is dedicated to academic excellence, passionate about serving others, and actively contributing to the community.

    DUE Date: April 16, 2025

    To apply, click the link below


    DAR Chapter Scholarship Application

    On a separate sheet of paper, write an essay of 250-500 words on the following topic: Choose one event from the early history of America and explain how it is relevant today. Please include two letters of recommendation from teachers or other adults other than family who know you well. Please attach an official transcript to this application.

    DUE Date: April 1, 2025

    To apply, click the link below



    Scholarship Opportunities

    These scholarship opportunities are sponsored by the TFWC. All scholarships listed are open to any male or female planning to attend a Texas school.

    *Please make note of the specific requirements (if any) listed under each scholarship.

    _ TFWC State Scholarship

    _ TFWC Fine Arts Scholarship

    *Only applicants pursuing Fine Arts

    _ Eleanor Tipps Scholarship

    _ Billie Lindley McMahon Scholarship

    *Based upon need

    *No penalty for Bs and Cs in high school

    _ Simmang Volunteer Award Scholarship

    *Based on volunteer activities

    _ 1903 UT Austin

    *Only applicants planning to attend UT Austin

    How to apply:

    ● Follow the instructions at the bottom of the second page of the application.

    ● You will need an official transcript from Killeen ISD for the first application. If you are applying for more than one of these scholarships, your additional applications may include a copy of your transcript.

    Be sure to request your transcripts early.

    Note: You will need to do a COMPLETE application w/attachments for each scholarship. Be sure to put a check mark by the scholarship for which you wish to apply.

    Information about the 5 scholarships:https://acrobat.adobe.com/id/urn:aaid:sc:US:ec97ff90-e9d3-4fe6-a404-3cd0b737a3b1

    DUE Date: April 4, 2025 all applications are due

    To apply, click the link below



    The CTAT Area 4 Scholarship applicant shall be a student who is enrolled in a recognized high school Career and Technical Education (CTE) program. The scholarship is based on academic achievement, leadership and success in completing a CTE pathway leading to college and career readiness.

    Specific Qualifications: Must be a graduating high school senior with enrollment in a CTE program. Selection Criteria: CTE involvement, CTSO involvement, Community Service,Financial Need, Letter of Interest, resume and letters of recommendations.

    DUE Date: April 17, 2025

    To apply, click the link below.


    Killeen Evening Lions Club 

    Passion for Service Scholarship 2025


    • Killeen Evening Lions Club will award up to Two $500.00 Scholarships per High School in the Killeen Independent School District.
    • Any graduating Senior from a KISD High School who plans to attend a college or university in the State of Texas

    may apply.

    • Consideration is given to Applicants based on Volunteer Service, Financial need, and Academics.

    DUE Date: April 4, 2025

    To apply, click the link below:




    (* To be eligible for this scholarship, a parent/guardian must be employed by KISD as full-time auxiliary personnel

    or certified personnel. Student must be graduating from a KISD High School during the 2024-2025 School Year)

    DUE date: April 1, 2025

    To apply, click the link below.


    Educated Angels

    Click the above link to download the application.

    5 Pearlz of Hope Foundation, Inc. Scholarship

    Must be a 2025 graduating senior with a minimum GPA of 2.5 and from an area high school within or near the Central Texas

    cities of Killeen, Fort Cavazos, Harker Heights, or Copperas Cove.

    DUE date: April 1, 2025

    To apply, click the link below and then click on the Scholarships tab


    StudentScholarships.org Scholarship Newsletter

    Click the link above to download the newsletter with 15 scholarship programs with deadlines between February 28, 2025 & April 30, 2025.



    Procedure for Scholarship Awards Announcement for Graduation Program 

    All recognized scholarship award announcements must be received in the counselor's office by the first Friday of May 2025. 

    No late scholarship award announcements will be accepted. 

    Only the name of the student and scholarship will appear in the graduation program.  No dollar amounts will be printed.

    The following are accepted for scholarship award announcements:

    Letter/email from a scholarship organization including scholarship name and student name.

                Certificate of award including scholarship name and student name.

                A scholarship offer from a university/ college includes a scholarship name and student name.

                Email directly from the Organization to our scholarship counselor including scholarship name and student name.

     The following are not recognized as scholarships:

    Pell Grants, Federal Grants, Student Loans, VA Benefits, GI Bill, Hazelwood Act, Post 911 Funds, Any other military survivor benefits.

     If you have any questions, please reach out to  Mrs. Price at deleen.price@killeenisd.org.