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The schedule will be released when the district publishes it.
It will be found in the quick links section on the KISD Athletics page when released.BOYS’ BASKETBALL TRYOUT SCHEDULE
Thursday 10/31 7th grade - grade check & forms verified - 3:45pm
Friday 11/1 8th grade - grade check & forms verified - 3:45pmTHESE DAYS ARE TO CHECK GRADES AND REQUIRED FORMS ONLY
Monday & Tuesday 11/4 -5 8th grade tryouts 3:45-5pm
Wed. & Thursday 11/6 – 7 7th grade tryouts 3:45-5pmMUST BE PRESENT BOTH DAYS
Friday 11/8 first practices 3:45-5pm
Sports participation forms and physical forms for ALL sports can be accessed at: killeenisd.org/athletics
Sports physical and Medical History forms must be completed and turned in to the coaches. The four Participation Forms are completed online and come to school automatically. ALL forms must be completed BEFORE students can participate in any sport, including tryouts. If the forms are already on file from football and cross-country, those forms are still accepted.