- Maxdale Elementary School
- Assistant Principals
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Assistant Principal

Phone: 254-336-2460
Degrees and Certifications:
Mrs. Melody Terry
Greetings Meerkats! I am excited to be a part of the team here at Maxdale Elementary. Even though I am starting my 20th year in education, this will be my first year as an Assistant Principal. I have been fortunate enough to teach an array of subjects and grades throughout the years and have held the following positions: an instructional paraprofessional, a classroom teacher in both general and special education, an interventionist, and a Special Education Coordinator.
In my personal life, I have been married to my husband for the past 29 years. I have three beautiful children and an amazing daughter-in-love. This year I became a Lolli as my first grandchild was born in February. I am blessed beyond measure with their love and support.
I am passionate about students and their opportunities to learn. I look forward to working closely with both teachers and parents to build a partnership to help our students make academic gains as well as learn life-long principles that will extend beyond the classroom.
Assistant Principal

Phone: 254-336-2460
Degrees and Certifications:
Mrs. Autumn Schoenbeck
The 2023 – 2024 will mark the beginning of my 6th year as an Assistant Principal and my 8th year as a Meerkat. This year starts my 16th year in education. I’ve had the joy of working as a math intervention aide, a Special Education Interventionist, classroom teacher, and Campus Instructional Specialist.
I’ve been married to my husband for 23 years and together we have three wonderful sons, one fantastic daughter-in-law and the cutest little granddaughter and grandson ever.
I truly believe in Maxdale’s mission and vision. Therefore, I’m so excited to continue my educational journey at Maxdale, helping our teachers apply effective and innovative practices to design engaging and purposeful learning experiences for our students, so they all learn at higher levels.
I look forward to partnering with you during your child’s educational journey.
Supporting Student Success!