- Pathways Academic Campus
- Dean of Instruction
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Degrees and Certifications:
Katie Drake, M.Ed.
Before joining Pathways Academic Campus as Dean of Instruction, I worked at Cavazos Elementary as the Campus Instructional Specialist and was part of Killeen ISD’s Secondary Instructional Coaching team. I helped open the first STEM Academy in KISD as the seventh grade ELAR teacher on an interdisciplinary grade-level team. I also worked a combined 11 years as a third-grade classroom teacher and as a K-5 Gifted Education specialist in Copperas Cove ISD.
My professional certifications include Superintendent, Principal as Instructional Leader, EC-4 Generalist, 7-12 ELAR, GT Supplemental, ESL Supplemental. Areas of professional interest include developing teachers, developing student readers and writers, alternative education settings, gifted and talented education, and Project-Based Learning. I am a Board member of the Texas Association for the Gifted and Talented (2016-present).
I earned her Bachelor of Science degree in Early Childhood Education from Tarleton State University-Central Texas, and my Master of Education in Educational Leadership degree and Superintendent Certificate from Texas A&M University-Central Texas. I believe leaders must clarify and live by their own values before they can guide others in thought or action.
I live in Killeen, Texas with my husband and son. Personally, I enjoy kayaking, road-tripping, and writing young adult novels.
Katie Drake, M.Ed.
Dean of Instruction
o (254) 336-7250