Electronic Device Policy 2023-2024

  • To keep the academic environment free from distractions, per Killeen ISD policy, all electronic devices are prohibited during the school day. This includes cell phones, gaming devices, iPads, ear buds, headphones, etc.

    Telecommunications/Electronic Devices (201) Students may not display, turn on, or use a cellular telephone or other telecommunication device on school property during the school day (as defined by the published starting and dismissal times for each campus). Violators are subject to having the device confiscated by a teacher or other school official for a period of time deemed appropriate by the principal (which could extend through the end of the semester or school year) and are subject to disciplinary action. Repeated offenses may result in the loss of the privilege to possess such devices at school. There are certain entertainment/electronic items (including but not limited to electronic recording devices) which are strictly prohibited from the classroom, but which are subject to principal, director, teacher, or sponsor approval in other settings, i.e., cafeterias, commons areas, playgrounds, school buses, or on school-sponsored trips. NOTE: The district recognizes that students are involved in an expanding technological world and understands that students learn in different modes. Therefore, campuses may choose to permit use of various electronic devices (ex. iPods and other mp3 players) in classrooms and commons areas during the school day, in accordance with rules established and enforced at the campus level. (See your campus Student Handbook for further details.) Neither the campus nor the district assumes responsibility or liability for loss or damage to a device or for the unauthorized use of the device.

    Students bringing unapproved electronic devices for use after school must always keep their device off and in their locker during the school day. Phones may not be kept on their person or in shirt/pants pockets. Additionally, ear buds or headphones are not allowed. Any visible device will be confiscated, and appropriate actions will be taken.

    What happens if a student is caught with an electronic device? The electronic device will be confiscated and turned into the Assistant Principal’s office.

    Will there be a warning first? No.


  • Below is the hierarchy of consequences:

    1st Offense:

    • Minor discipline referral
    • Student may pick up their device from the AP’s office at the end of the day.

    2nd Offense:

    • Another minor discipline referral
    • A parent/guardian may pick up the device from the FRONT office at any time; 7:30-4:00, or the student will be allowed to pick up the device after 5 school days.

    3rd Offense:

    • Third minor discipline referral
    • A parent may pick up the device from the FRONT office at any time; 7:30-4:00, or the student will be allowed to pick up the device after 10 school days.

    4th Offense & Subsequent Offenses:

    • Serious discipline referral for Insubordination with Saturday Detention
    • A parent may pick up the device from the FRONT office at any time; 7:30-4:00, or the student will be allowed to pick up the device after 10 school days.


    Students who refuse to hand in their electronic device will receive a serious discipline referral with immediate consequences.