- Ellison High School
- Counselors
Leadership Team and Admin Support Team
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Supporting Student Success
Our goal is to help you assess your abilities, interests, personality, and give you practical advice for classes, activities, and work experiences, so you can learn to make smart decisions about your life. Your counselor is available to help you with academic, career, and personal needs!
The Guidance Office is located in the main hallway on the first level of C.E. Ellison High School, next to the Student Activities office.
Also check out your counselor's Schoology page for announcements and opportunities!!
Ellison Counselors
deKeratry, Roslyn roslyn.dekeratry@killeenisd.org EHS 336-0629 Gilliam, Jermaine - SEL jermaine.gilliam@killeenisd.org EHS 336-0629 Noteboom, Sarah sarah.noteboom@killeenisd.org EHS 336-0629 Picot, Amy amy.picot@killeenisd.org EHS 336-0629 Rogers, Kimberly kimberly.rogers@killeenisd.org EHS 336-0629 Schaub, Juli juli.schaub@killeenisd.org EHS 336-0629 Brooks, Shatilya shatilya.brooks@killeenisd.org Career Center 336-3805 Critchfield, Barbara - Registrar barbara.critchfield@killeenisd.org EHS 336-0617
TSIA2 Testing - Central Texas College
The Texas Success Initiative (TSI) is the statute that requires all Texas public institutions of higher education to determine the college readiness of all non-exempt, entering undergraduate students to enroll in freshmen-level academic courses.
Central Texas College offers TSI Testing.
- $25 (entire test)
- $15 (per section)
TCHATT Information - Counseling Services
Scholarship Lady of Central Texas