100% ID Check

  • Meadows Elementary is a 100% ID check campus. 

    At Meadows Elementary, our dismissal procedures are designed with the utmost care and safety in mind. We prioritize the well-being of our students, staff, and the community during this critical transition period. To ensure a smooth dismissal process, please refer to the detailed instructions below. Our dedicated staff is always on hand to assist and guide students as they enter/exit the school premises, and we appreciate your cooperation in helping us maintain a secure and efficient dismissal routine.

    Thank you for entrusting us with your child's education, and together, we can make arrival/dismissal a safe and streamlined experience for all.

      Arrival Procedures

      • Arrival Procedures

        There are two valet lines that can be utilized to drop students off between 7:00 - 7:30 a.m.

        • PK-3 through 1st grade students, and siblings, can be dropped off using the valet line facing Tank Destroyer.
        • 2nd-5th grade students can be dropped off using the valet line in the front of the campus.

        Please ensure you do not drive around vehicles, as students exit vehicles from both sides. Also, please do not get out of your vehicle. Your child must unbuckle themselves and a staff member will open the door for them. If your child requires your assistance, you must park your vehicle.

        If you do not wish to utilize the valet lines, you must park your vehicle and walk your child to the building. Parking lots may not be used as drop off lanes.

      Dismissal Procedures

      • Dismissal Procedures

        All Parents/Guardians must present ID to pick up your child each day.

        • PK3 and PK4 students will be dismissed from the north side of the building. Please park your vehicle and walk to the line labeled with your child's teacher's name.
        • Kinder and 1st grade students will be released from the south side of the building. Please park your vehicle and walk to the line labeled with your child's teacher's name. Older siblings will be released to the youngest siblings class.
        • 2nd-5th grade students can utilize the valet line for dismissal, at the front of the building. You will need to have a placard to place in your front passenger side windshield. You can get this at Meet the Teacher, or from the office after the 1st day of school.

        Parents who wish to park their vehicle can stand in the pickup lines labeled with the proper grade level at the front of the school.

      Friendly Reminders

        • Please remember that after the tardy bell rings, you will need to come to the front office to sign your student in.
        • Also, remember to bring an ID card when you sign your student out for the day and at dismissal. This is also for anyone you have authorized to pick your student up from school.
        • If your student is a bus rider, please remind them about bus safety and behavior on the bus. Bus safety is a priority and riding the bus is a privilege.
        • School releases promptly at 3:00 p.m. Please ensure you are here on time to retrieve your student. 
        • Please do not park in the bus or fire lanes. This is a safety hazard and citations will be given. Thank you for helping us keep all students safe.

        As always, the staff here at Meadows Elementary School appreciates all you do!

      Early Sign Out Procedures

        • Early sign-out must be completed prior to 2:30 PM on Normal Bell Schedule Days and by 12:30 PM on Early Release Bell Schedule Days.
        • Only parents/guardians on the student's record can sign students out given they can provide the proper identification. NO EXCEPTIONS!