Arrival/Dismissal Procedures

  • Arrival may be as early as 7:00 AM; breakfast is served free of charge to all students from 7:00-7:25.

    • 1st bell- 7:30 AM
    • Tardy bell- 7:35 AM

    The earliest students may arrive at school is 7:00 AM. Please do not send them earlier without adult supervision, since we do not have staff on duty to monitor students before that time. In addition, to better ensure the safety of all students, they will be required to enter the building upon arrival. Staff will not be available to supervise students on the playground, so it will not be safe for them to access these areas.  Beginning on September 5th (the Tuesday after Labor day), we will launch a “Breakfast in Classrooms” (BIC) program at Clifton Park.  This means that all students will eat breakfast in their classrooms, free of charge!

    We are committed to ensuring the safety of each of our students, so we appreciate your patience as we work to make sure EACH child is safely dismissed in the manner you have communicated to us.

    Car Rider: If your child is a car rider, please make sure you or anyone picking up your child has their numbered car placard, as we will not put children into cars without them. Each family will have a placard with a number, so that siblings will be taken to the same car.  You will be given two placards, and these may be used for two vehicles or as a back-up in case one is misplaced.  If you need another placard at any time, contact the front office.  Students will NOT be placed in cars without placards; if you have misplaced your placard or are in another car and do not have it, you will need to park and pick up your student at the front of the building with your valid ID.

    Bus Rider: All students who ride a bus will enter and exit at the back of the building (across from Killeen Daily Herald, near Florence Road).

    Walkers: Students who will be walking to school or dropped off in the morning will enter through the front doors, the 2nd Street entrance, only.

    Morning Drop Off: Parents who desire to drop their students off in the morning may drive through one of the two open drop off lanes located in front of the building. Please remain in your vehicle, so we can keep the traffic moving. We are happy to provide valet service by opening doors and assisting students with exiting their vehicles, if needed. If you prefer to escort your child to the building, you will need to park your vehicle in the parking lot and use the front crosswalk to walk your child to the front door where you will be greeted by someone who will assist your child in locating his/her classroom.  Please, do not drop children off in either parking lot – this is a safety issue.  They can only be dropped off in the front drop off lanes where there is a crosswalk protected by a trained staff member.


    Students will be dismissed in one of FOUR ways: CAR RIDERS, BUS, DAYCARE, or WALKERS.  There is NO PARENT WALK-UP.  Walkers will exit the building from the side doors or the back doors, depending on where they are walking.  Older siblings will meet their younger siblings in designated downstairs classrooms and will exit the building together.  They will then walk home or to a meeting spot designated by parent; there will be no staff supervision for walkers once they exit the Clifton Park grounds.

    Parents who wish to meet their WALKERS may wait on Lydia Drive on the sidewalk until the bell rings and walkers exit the building.  Students will be released as walkers according to parents’ designation; those wishing to walk toward the Jasper Heights neighborhood will walk out of the side doors, and those wishing to walk toward Florence road will exit through the back doors.  Students walking toward the old Nolan building will walk out of the side doors.

    CAR RIDER pick up:

    Students being picked up as CAR RIDERS will be taken to designated classrooms to be held.  When your car is in line in the pick up lanes, a staff member (usually one of our counselors) will call your number by walkie-talkie to staff in the holding rooms and your child(ren) will be escorted to your car.  IT IS CRITICAL THAT YOUR CAR PLACARD IS IN FULL VIEW of the person calling numbers; please make sure to help her to see your number!

    CASTLE 3 and SKILLS - Students who ride the bus will be escorted to their assigned bus in the bus loop on the SOUTH side of building (Old Nolan side).  CAR RIDERS will be escorted to cars with YELLOW placards (given out at Meet the Teacher) in that same loop.